Since our first publication in 1979, we have produced almost 100 titles – some in a single form and some where there is a Main Edition and a small Special Edition, which has extra signed prints, an original artwork or some other embellishing features.
Because the greatest influence on what we choose to work on and to publish is the particular interests and unique talents of the artists with whom we decide to work, our books differ from one another in more ways than makes them similar!
We have tried to help the visitor to this website in as many ways as we can think of. You can scan the range of Authors given here or the list of Artists. You can try the list of Titles.
A really good way to see whether one of our books fires your imagination, however, is to look at the photographs of its actual pages. These can be found, in some profusion, for every one of the books that is still available . . . so we suggest that you bring up any of the titles, head for the images at the foot of the page and click away!