John Abell’s “Book Day”

For John, his “Book Day” was when he came to Catchmays Court to see, and handle, the sample copy of the Main and Special editions of his great work, hot from the binders. I had previously printed small editions of some of the mighty woodcuts from the book...

Signing the book, a bit of lunch and some collating

    The final piece of printing had been done, the sheets folded and inserted to form sections. John Abell had now to sign each copy of the colophon page before the sections were collated into books. Happily this coincided with John having finished cutting the...

Good Progress with The Dead Officer

I can hardly believe it, but the lengthy slog of printing The Diary of a Dead Officer is almost at an end and the binding process can begin. John Abell is at the moment cutting blocks for the papers that will cover the book and the printing of these should be my final...

After the Oxford Fair

We spent last weekend at the major Book Fair in Oxford and had a good and successful time. We had restricted what we showed to recent publications and some ‘Specials’ of earlier titles where we still had copies. Sales in both categories were encouragingly...

The Diary of a Dead Officer

  The time has come, we think, for us to reveal what is happening in the printing office at the moment . . . or, rather, what I have been printing away at for many weeks now, while Frances tells the world about the already wonderfully appreciated The Third Thing...