John Hudson in The Western Daily Press, September 25th 2006

Wood brings pages to life Books become a work of art at Old Stile Press, where wood engravings, woodcuts, linocuts and other relief blocks are expertly handled by Nicolas McDowall. John Hudson finds out more. SOME of Britain’s most beautiful books are being...

Leading the Cranes Home

One of the star attractions on our stand at the LAB Fair, as we had fully expected, was Leading the Cranes Home, the collection of ancient Chinese poems (in timeless translations by Arthur Waley) with colour woodcut prints in the Japanese style by Ralph Kiggell . . ....

This conversation sowed the seeds of this collaboration which has, otherwise, largely been conducted by email – between Wales and Bangkok where Ralph lives and works. Normally the artist prints his own work on Japanese paper, with water-based inks and prints by...

One of the elements that made for the success of the project was the sensitive help given to us by our friendly inkmaker (just round the corner as it happens but probably the best in the business) Cranfield Colours Ltd in Cwmbran. We gave them small swatches of...

At the start of my part of the job I did, rashly, work out the total number of printings that I had to do in order to complete the 150 copies in this edition. It was such a daunting number that I tried to chase it from my mind! The book was, however, tremendously...