Painting the lily . . .

. . . and gilding the burnished gold! I am always happy when the sweet peas are on the go. This morning, as I approached the sunny wall to relieve the plants of today’s crop (pour encourager les autres!) I saw that the flowers (already, in my opinion, one of the...

Olympia here we come

    Our prestigious and successful five-week exhibition in the Pierhead Building in Cardiff Bay is now over but there are other places where we shall be taking books this year. First will be the  London International Antiquarian Book Fair at Olympia from 22 to 24...

By popular demand – or something!

If you have been prevented by matters of State from visiting the Old Stile Press’ exhibition at Futures Gallery, Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay at any time during the past month . . . . . . we can offer the happy news that the show has been extended for a week....