Exhibition at The Art Shop and Gallery in Abergavenny

In this photograph, Frances is talking with Pauline Griffiths, the Proprietor of The Art Shop and Gallery in Abergavenny, who very kindly offered to mount an exhibition of our books (and some prints from them) which will be open until 23rd August 2008. The Gallery is...

Benjamin Britten’s “A Christmas Sequence” finally printed

A couple of days ago I have finished my months of daily printing stints to complete this book. Today I am exhausted from feeding large sheets of heavy blue paper (to cover the binding boards) into the press so that I could print two large woodcuts . This was the very...

I’ve heard of crop circles but . . .

I looked out of our bedroom window one evening recently. We are firmly situated in Wales . . . but here I am looking across the field and across the river Wye to the strange land called England! I am also looking at what caused me to go for my camera rather swiftly....

Super-abundance in the Wye Valley!

By the back end of last year, with lots of good strimming and clearing weather (together with opportunity AND inclination), we had got our domain looking really rather smart, tamed and ready for the arrrival of Spring. The onset of Spring growth, however, coincided...

Keith Bayliss at St. David’s Cathedral

Two posts ago we mentioned that Keith Bayliss had been asked to produce work in and around the east end of this amazing Cathedral as part of the 2008 St. David’s Cathedral Festival . . . and we gave, as a reminder, an image from the book White Voices that he did...