Great Christmas Present!

William Morris is famous for having said . . . Have nothing in your house [or garden!] that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. I feel that he would heartily approve of this, as both beautiful and useful . . . a customized wheelbarrow, given to...

Appropriate Greetings . . .

. . . from a suitably frosty Wye Valley . . . . . . and from old “Bah, Humbug!” himself . . .   and from Frances, unusually in the place where Nicolas is traditionally hidden, behind the...

Some excellent photographs and a crazed printer (digital!)

Earlier on we mentioned the fact that House and Garden wanted to do an article about us (in a series about people who do things or make things) and that we had been interviewed and photographed. The article was duly published (in the December issue, so it should still...


I decided to photograph this a few days ago – because the light suddenly struck me as good – but it has been standing under a cherry tree in our garden, giving pleasure to all, for a decade at least. Frankly I have seen damaged sculptures of kouroi in the...

It’s that time of year again!

. . . when Christmas Cards have to be produced! Our first thought is whether there is anything suitable in the book that is ‘on the press’ or in preparation at the moment. [The Benjamin Britten A Christmas Sequence was so long in coming that it served for...