The margins and sheltered backwaters of our river are frozen. This is one of the manmade piers (called cribs in this part of the world) made for fishermen to operate from, which are visible at low tide as here. The country is afflicted at the moment by very cold winds...
William Morris is famous for having said . . . Have nothing in your house [or garden!] that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. I feel that he would heartily approve of this, as both beautiful and useful . . . a customized wheelbarrow, given to...
. . . from a suitably frosty Wye Valley . . . . . . and from old “Bah, Humbug!” himself . . . and from Frances, unusually in the place where Nicolas is traditionally hidden, behind the...
Earlier on we mentioned the fact that House and Garden wanted to do an article about us (in a series about people who do things or make things) and that we had been interviewed and photographed. The article was duly published (in the December issue, so it should still...
I decided to photograph this a few days ago – because the light suddenly struck me as good – but it has been standing under a cherry tree in our garden, giving pleasure to all, for a decade at least. Frankly I have seen damaged sculptures of kouroi in the...
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