Ashdown Gallery Show

As an update to our previous post urging people – at least those living in the South-East of England – to go to see the show at the Ashdown Gallery in Forest Row, we were sent these images of the opening night where copies of The Swimmer were flying off...

Looking ahead

After a quiet summer September arrives and activity is all around us . . .       One of the most beautiful galleries opened its doors and its magnificent garden to book and print lovers who found their way through the delights of the Herefordshire countryside to...

The Beauty in the Random

  When I showed these photographs to Frances, she said they looked like shots of outer space taken by some amazingly powerful radio telescope and waxed lyrical about on television by Professor Brian Cox!   Those of my dear readers who have been around our Press and...

. . . in praise of rain

Although I love and need the sun, I have to admit to being really excited by wind and rain. This image should be a movie so that you could see the sheets of rain moire-ing up the valley but at least you can get an idea of the tree’s movement and can see the...